Shawn White
When I perform massage, my goal is to provide you with the most magnificent experience imaginable. I want you to walk away from the session feeling amazing beyond words. In every second of my session, I am searching for ways to guide you toward a state of absolute bliss, to experience stress releasing peace, and to feel completely at ease.
In my sessions I use an array of amazing techniques that will encourage your senses to feel delightfully alive. Imagine feeling the exquisite sensation of a soft paintbrush as it delicately paints hot oil on your skin. Close your eyes and feel the magnificence of a hot stone slide down your back. Take a breath and breathe as all of your aches and pains are pampered and eased with hot bamboo. Feel the day melt away as steamy hot towels soothe your sore and tired muscles. Revitalize your mind with the scent of divinely comforting essential oils and aromatherapy.

It is my goal to spoil and pamper every guest who visits me for a massage. I use the highest quality massage oils, the silkiest sheets, and the softest blankets. When you rest on my table you will fall in love with its comfort and warmth. The candle lit ambiance of my treatment room will have you halfway asleep as soon as you lay down, and my angel soft hands will guide you the rest of the way. If you love sweets, you will adore my sessions, because when you enter my treatment room you will be greeted with a Ghirardelli chocolate, and you will leave with Ferrero Rocher hazelnut chocolate.
It gets even better, because if you schedule a nap after one of my sessions, I will pour you a cold glass of milk and offer you a plate of warm cookies. I want you to live your greatest life, to feel joy in every moment, and know hope. Schedule a massage with me and discover how wonderful being alive can be.
Massage Services by Shawn
I specialize in helping my clients rediscover hope. As a cancer survivor I know how it feels to face challenging days, and this is why I want to help you feel spectacular in wonderful ways. If you are suffering with a stubborn pain that just won’t go away, I have the experience, knowledge and skill to encourage that discomfort to fade away. If you want to be pampered and treated like a king or queen, my soothing techniques will encourage you to take a deep breath and breathe. Whether you are hurting or want to feel at peace, when you receive a massage from me, it will be the massage of your dreams.
Feel free to request a complementary hot towel or hot pack during your session.
Head, Neck & Scalp Massage
If you adore scalp, head, or neck massage you are going to love how I pamper these areas in your session. If you dream of relieving the tension from your temples or the ache behind your eyes, my massage is going to remind you why life is bright and delightful. My techniques were designed to ease tight and stubborn aches and pains while providing you with much-needed peace.
Swedish Massage
Learn More about Swedish Massage
Does your lower back hurt, do you have a tightness between your shoulder blades, do you hurt throughout the day? Maybe you sit for hours on end staring at a computer screen, and at the end of the day, your head just aches. If you are stressed, overworked, or just feel like you need a reprieve, it’s time for a massage. When you receive a massage from one of our talented therapists it will reawaken your senses, ease away your pain, and remind you why life is beautiful. You will rise from the experience with a vibrancy in your eyes, your aches will float away, and you will be ready to return to the day feeling great. With the wildness of the world, you know you need a massage, treat yourself to some self-care, and schedule a session today.
If you adore scalp, head, or neck massage you are going to love how I pamper these areas in your session. If you dream of relieving the tension from your temples or the ache behind your eyes, my massage is going to remind you why life is bright and delightful. My techniques were designed to ease tight and stubborn aches and pains while providing you with much-needed peace.
Corrective Massage
Learn more about Corrective Massage
Corrective Massage is for people who are searching for targeted relief. In this session, your massage therapist will focus on one or two areas to help alleviate pain and discomfort related to those areas. This session may be performed like a regular massage or like a sports massage, so bring with you some comfortable gym-like apparel just in case. If you are searching for a massage to only focus on a specific area like your head, neck, back, legs, arms, hands, feet, etc. this is the session for you.
Hot Stone Massage with Milk & Cookies
Learn more about our hot stone massage services
If your world feels crazy and stressful, this massage is for you. In every second of your session, you will feel like you are floating in a sea of peace. Imagine feeling a soft paintbrush glide over your body, gently applying warm moisturizing oil to your skin. Close your eyes and feel nurturing hands massage away your aches and pains. Take a breath and breathe as heated bamboo and hot stones melt away every ounce of your stress. It sounds amazing because this is going to be the message of your dreams. And, once you wake up, you will be rewarded with a plate of warm cookies and a spirit that feels completely free. So, if you are ready to start feeling wonderful, schedule your session today!
Massage Class for Couples
Learn More About My Couples Massage Class
What is a Massage Class? In this instructional class for two, you and a friend will learn the fundamentals of providing a massage. You will develop your ability to effectively communicate, apply pleasurable pressure, and use an array of techniques without hurting your hands. If you are searching for a fun and exciting date, or just want to spend time with someone special, my massage classes will be the perfect adventure for you.
Faith & Massage
“Hello, my name is Shawn White, I am a massage therapist and the founder of Jennifer Brand Spa. I became a massage therapist 8 years ago and it was the best decision of my life. As a therapist I get to help people rediscover hope, feel magnificent every moment of their massage, and inspire them to live their best lives.
To me, massage is one of the greatest gifts bestowed upon humankind, it encourages us to reconnect with our humanity, to be present in the second, and remember how it feels like to be alive. When I perform massage, I pray before entering the treatment room. Then I ask myself if I had God on my table, how would I massage Him? Then, I offer the very same care, focus, and attention to my guest.”
-Shawn White