Myofascial Release Therapy
Are you seeking a massage enhancement that can provide deep tissue work without causing discomfort? Our Myofascial Release Therapy may be the answer you’re looking for.
This service uses a combination of techniques such as Myofascial Release Tools, percussive therapy devices, and vibrating devices to target stubborn knots and muscle tension. Our skilled therapists will incorporate various myofascial techniques throughout the session to release tightness and improve your mobility.
One of the significant benefits of Myofascial Release Therapy is that it can deliver deep tissue work without the need for intense pressure, which can cause discomfort. Our use of different tools and techniques allows for a more profound release of muscle tension while leaving you feeling relaxed and rejuvenated.
While it is widely believed that massage can break down adhesions, the complete elimination of adhesions may require medical treatment. However, research suggests that massage can help to reduce pain and stiffness in areas where muscle tightness and tension are present. This may be due to the increased blood flow and improved tissue mobility that can result from massage.
If you’re experiencing chronic pain or just want to unwind, our Myofascial Release Therapy is the perfect complement to your massage session. Book your appointment today and experience the benefits for yourself.
Myofascial Release Therapy Benefits
Myofascial Release Therapy is a massage enhancement that uses a combination of techniques including the use of Myofascial Release Tools, percussive therapy devices, and vibrating devices to target stubborn knots and tension in your muscles. Here are some of the benefits that you can expect from this therapy:
- Deep tissue work without the discomfort of intense pressure: One of the most significant benefits of Myofascial Release Therapy is the ability to enjoy deep tissue work without the discomfort of intense pressure. Our use of various tools and techniques allows for a deeper release of muscle tension without the need for painful pressure, leaving you feeling relaxed and rejuvenated.
- Improved mobility and flexibility: Myofascial Release Therapy can help to improve mobility and flexibility by targeting areas of muscle tightness and tension. By releasing these areas of tension, your muscles will be able to move more freely, allowing you to feel more mobile and flexible.
- Reduced pain and stiffness: Research suggests that massage can help to reduce pain and stiffness in areas where muscle tightness and tension are present. This may be due to the increased blood flow and improved tissue mobility that can result from massage.
- Improved posture: Myofascial Release Therapy can also help to improve posture by releasing areas of tension that may be causing you to hunch or slouch. By improving your posture, you may also experience less pain and discomfort in your back and neck.
It is important to note that while Myofascial Release Therapy can aid in reducing pain and discomfort, complete elimination of muscle adhesions may require additional medical treatment. Whether you’re dealing with chronic pain or just looking to unwind, our Myofascial Release Therapy is the perfect addition to your massage session. Book your appointment today and experience the benefits for yourself.