Goldilocks Pressure

Discover their Goldilocks Pressure

What is the Goldilocks pressure of massage? When you are massaging someone, whether it is a friend, client or special someone, we want them to enjoy every second of the experience. It shouldn’t be too little, or too much. Goldilocks pressure is just right, and that is the exact amount of pressure we want to use.

Delivering the perfect amount of pressure is challenging, especially if you haven’t massaged hundreds of people. As a massage therapist I could say it’s easy to deliver the exact amount of pressure someone wants, but it isn’t. Fortunately, today I am going to guide you through the process of learning how to provide Goldilocks pressure.

One of the best ways we can learn how to provide a massage that feels good is by massaging ourselves. This is the method I have used to develop an array of techniques. If it feels good to you, there is a chance it might feel amazing to someone else.

The first thing I want you to do is run your fingertips gently across the skin of your palm. Focus on the sensation and take note of it. After you have slid your finger across once or twice, use more pressure and explore the differences between each sensation. The way we touch, how we touch, and the intention behind our touch has an influence on how someone feels, interprets and experiences our massages.

In the next step I want you to have the intention to explore as you touch your palm. Explore the spaces that feel soft, firm, tight and loose. If there are other adjectives you would use, apply them as needed. Additionally, I want you to note how each application of pressure feels on your palm. What does it feel like as it is touched and massaged? Be creative in the way you massage as you explore the soft tissues of your hand.

Now I want you to apply an array of pressure types to each area. The goal of a massage is it should feel good. Using firm pressure is not always useful. Pain does not equal healing! When your body hurts we want it to feel good, so find out what degree of pressure causes discomfort, so you can avoid it.

Something you may notice as you massage your palm is some areas are tougher than others. In some spots firm pressure may feel good, while for others, the same amount firmness might be uncomfortable. In massage we cannot utilize a one size fits all approach. Every area of our body has a different degree of sensitivity, and we need to adapt appropriately.

If everywhere has its own needs, how can we ever expect to find the Goldilocks pressure people want? When I apply pressure in my massage sessions I determine the overall pressure my client needs and then I adjust according to the body’s patterns of sensitivity. For example, the lower back is usually going to be more sensitive than the upper back. The forearm is going to be more sensitive than the hand, the calf is going to be more sensitive than the foot. Even within these areas there are areas that may be less or more sensitive to pressure. As you practice your application of pressure you will develop your own degrees and apply them appropriately.

Now I want you to massage your forearms, pay close attention to each sensation. Do you notice any sensitivity differences between your hand and forearm when using the same amount of pressure? Throughout the forearm there are a few areas that are hypersensitive. You may begin to believe this is because the area is tight, or because of a knot. At this point in your learning, I want you to forget about knots and tight bands. How can you know what a knot is, when you don’t even know how your muscles are supposed to feel?

I think many massage therapists steer the public in the wrong direction when they tell their clients their body is filled with knots. In a world that already tells us we are far from perfect, why usher someone toward more negativity. I believe most of the knots your therapist detects aren’t knots. Many times, they are bony landmarks, thick muscles, or asymmetrical areas of your body. So, for now, don’t hunt for them, because you will likely miss assess it and give yourself something new to obsess about.

As you explore your muscles I want your next intention to be for it to feel good. This means actively interacting with the body creatively. Feel the muscle, skin and adipose textures. Feel the body’s natural curvature and see what it feels like when you move your hand and fingers in different ways. I like to say performing massage is like painting a canvas, because we are trying to create a masterpiece painting of pleasure. As you do this, you will begin to unearth the skills required to achieve the Goldilocks degree of pressure.

Goldilocks Pressure Tips For Licensed Massage Therapists

When I perform a massage I want each technique to have a fullness of touch, to be complete movements, I want to hold space for my client, and offer Goldilocks pressure. The way we achieve this is by empathizing with our client, we need to have some frame of reference to understand how they are feeling as we massage them. We need to embody humility, by accurately assessing where we exist in the universe. In the application of touch this means knowing we are not the expert of our client’s subjective experience. Then we need to creatively navigate the situation so we may optimize our ability to communicate, while using our wealth of knowledge to provide them with an exemplary massage experience.

At the core of every massage is communication, we must open a clean and clear channel so they may share with us their wants and needs. Additionally, we must also actively work to dissolve the power differential. People have the tendency to allow others to push them in unwanted directions when there is a perceived degree of authority. As massage therapists we are healthcare professionals, and although we may be considered one of the lowest levels of this hierarchy, our knowledge and expertise may influence the decision making of our clientele. This often manifests when we share inaccurate and unresearched data that may negatively affect our client. This happens all the time, because many instructors in our industry are effectively the blind leading the blind and their lackluster teachings follow LMTs throughout their career. We ought to be encouraging our clients to question, think for themselves and research. This means you should refrain from making something up when a client asks you a question you don’t know the answer to. It also means you should present information with a lessened degree of authority by opening the doorway for other answers.

In essence, providing our clients with Goldilocks pressure requires professionalism, attention to detail and the genuine desire to help another person feel delightful. We must possess the willingness to leave our ego at the door, be open to new ideas, and adapt to the needs of our client. At the forefront of our mind, we must be hunting for ways to heighten our ability to communicate and implement the wants and needs of our clientele into every session.

Shawn White, LMT

Experience the ease, comfort and serenity you need at Jennifer Brand Spa.  Feel the outside world float away as your senses are soothed, replenished and revitalized.  Discover how it feels to be the center of the universe, to live with harmony, and embrace peace.

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