Patience, a Massage Tip by Shawn White

Patience in a Massage

When performing a massage it is important to have patience, to take your time and be gentle. In the application of your pressure, whether it is soft or firm you must enter and exit slowly. Today we are going to explore the nuance of touch so you may enhance every massage you perform.

A massage therapist with patience applies their pressure and exits their techniques slowly. The reason is that it offers the central nervous system an opportunity to relax, assess and realize it is safe. The goal of any relaxation style massage is to down regulate the sympathetic nervous system and up regulate the parasympathetic. As a quick reminder the sympathetic nervous system is our fight-or-flight mechanism, while our parasympathetic is what allows us to rest-and-digest. When we are massaging someone, we want to usher them toward a state of peace and ease, so they may close their eyes and sleep.

When I massage my clients, I attempt to nurture their central nervous system as I would comfort a baby. I want them to feel safe, relaxed and comfortable. In order to achieve this, every technique must be applied with patience, understanding and kindness. This means I must be in a harmonious, healthy and good state of mind before performing a massage. My environment must feel safe, comforting and relaxed. If we intend to provide a soothing experience for someone else, we must first have it within ourselves.

As a Christian I pray before each of my sessions. I ask God to make my hands an instrument of His goodwill, so I may have the discernment, patience and ability to help my client experience the peace and ease they need. Then I ask myself, “If I had God on my table, how would I massage Him?” Then I take that same love and care and give it to the person I am massaging. This helps me get into the state of mind I need to be in. It soothes my heart and allows me to move into a rhythmic groove.

One way to practice patience in the application of your pressure is to massage someone without using any oil. If you don’t have anyone to practice with, you can use your forearm. I am a big fan of self-massage, because it grants you the opportunity to see what your techniques feel like.

As you are reading this I want you to try a massage exercise. Place your hand on the skin so your palm is as flush as it can be. Now I want you to push down a little bit. Not enough for it to be substantial pressure, just enough so your hand cannot easily glide. Now I want you to apply your kinetic force at a slight angle downward. If you have patience you will notice your hand begin to move across the surface of the skin. When doing this there shouldn’t be any skin burn. If the skin hurts in any way you are forcing your hand to move. When your hand moves, it is because the oils of your hand and the skin are creating enough lubricant to allow it to.

When your hand begins to move I want you to pay attention to how you are interacting with the soft tissues of the body. It is within this subtle movement that you will discover the rate of speed that you need to apply the initial pressure of all of your techniques.

To place emphasis on the importance of patience I want you to try another exercise with me. Use your index finger and slowly run down the length of the inside portion of one of your other fingers. When I say inside portion, I mean the skin between each finger. Do you feel that tingly tickle? Now I want you to do it again, but this time move your finger really fast. Did you notice the sensation was muted, like you weren’t able to detect the same number of sensations? Now, do it again, but even slower than before and pay attention to every exquisite sensation your touch has to offer.

When you take your time, you give their nervous system more opportunities to feel what is happening. They can dial in on the little movements and explore. If the technique feels good, moving slowly will enhance their pleasure. So, the next you perform a massage, take your time, enter and exit every technique slowly, be patient and guide them toward living their best life.

Shawn White, LMT

Experience the ease, comfort and serenity you need at Jennifer Brand Spa.  Feel the outside world float away as your senses are soothed, replenished and revitalized.  Discover how it feels to be the center of the universe, to live with harmony, and embrace peace.

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