Pain Management

Massage Tips about Pain Management

Massage can be a great pain management tool. It can be beneficial whether it is from inexperienced hands or even a licensed massage therapist.

One of the most valuable assets we have when helping someone navigate their pain is to search for ways, we have experienced similar pain. I firmly believe every hardship we face is an opportunity to learn how to help someone else. The key to utilizing this insight is to be present every second. We need to remain engaged and search for ways to address and alleviate our current pain. When my body experiences miscellaneous aches and pains I try all sorts of things to see what helps, then I use the techniques that worked on me, by adapting them for others.

To effectively use this information, we must integrate humility into the application of our knowledge and techniques. Humility is represented by our ability to accurately assess where we exist within the universe. It is the acknowledgement that we are exceptional at some things, but not all things. It opens the doorway for others to excel in ways we do not, acknowledges their successes, strengths and weaknesses, while applying the same standard to ourselves. Humility is essential in the practice of massage, because it reminds us we do not know everything, especially about someone else’s subjective perception of their experience. Massage therapists often fall into the trap of believing their way is the best method for the client to achieve their desired results, even at the expense of their client’s pain and discomfort. This often occurs when the therapist enters a cookie-cutter routine of techniques or fails to empathize and adapt to the client’s needs. I believe the way we overcome this is through humility, empathy and by creatively navigating every session.

This is an image that showcases some of the components of love.

One way we can integrate humility into our practice is by delving into the research of pain experts. This is more than just learning how to perform a few techniques or picking up a new massage modality. Instead, take some time to dive into the knowledge of modern pain science. If you are new to the world of pain science, start with the biopsychosocial model of pain, as introduced by Dr. George Engel in 1977. It’s a concept that posits pain is not solely a result of biological factors but may also be influenced by psychological and sociological factors as well.  Another source to dive into, and someone who has had a profound impact on my practice is Lorimer Moseley. He presents that pain is a method our central nervous system uses to protect us from injury, and we can retrain the way we perceive and experience pain by how we live our lives and understand the pain system.

If you are already adamantly engaged with the science side of pain management, especially as a massage therapist, I suggest moving away from it for a bit. As people we tend to hyperfocus on things, we become so adamant about one thing, it causes us to neglect others. The longer we neglect something the more it begins to atrophy. In the context of overfocusing on the science side of massage, it leads us to neglect the social and spiritual components of our trade. If you are chest-deep in the science, research and abstract theoretical concepts of pain management it is time to get a massage. Take a second to get out of your head and exist within the moment, explore what it feels like to be touched with loving, ethical and caring intent. Take yourself into nature, see your environment as the beautiful blessing it is. Pray, meditate and remind yourself why life is bright and delightful.

Just like an amazing massage, everything needs to be in harmony with each other and we must have balance. Our heart has to be whole, and our mind needs to be sharp and quick. We must possess the ability to adapt in the moment, so we can adjust our techniques to meet our client’s needs. We must have peace, joy and hope within our soul if seek to provide others with peace and ease.

Pain Management

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