
Whether you are looking to learn more about massage, read some spectacular poetry, or simply be inspired, this blog is for you. Most of the entries have been written by Shawn White, but maybe you will find some gems written by other members of our amazing team.


Neck Pain in Ofallon Missouri

Neck Pain I've worked with a lot of people who suffer with neck pain and as a result it has become my specialty. Neck pain can be brutal. I know how horrible it feels to endure the burning, electrical discomfort of a pinched nerve, the sharp stiffness of a stiff neck, and [...]

Neck Pain in Ofallon Missouri2025-01-10T23:06:58-05:00

Healer in Ofallon Missouri

Healer Heart of a Healer What does it mean to have the heart of a healer? To me it means someone who wants to inspire others to reach for their dreams, to live in harmony and encourage peace. They are people who want to help others avoid strife so they may live [...]

Healer in Ofallon Missouri2025-01-10T23:07:25-05:00

Cooling Lotion

Cooling Lotion Looking for a refreshing addition to your massage experience? Look no further than our cooling lotion enhancement! Our SacredEarth Botanicals cooling cream is formulated with organic peppermint essential oil and organic lemongrass essential oil, providing a gentle and invigorating cooling sensation to your massage. Perfect for increasing circulation and alleviating achy [...]

Cooling Lotion2025-01-10T23:08:53-05:00

inspirational quote starting with the letter y

inspirational quote starting with the letter y Are you searching for your perfect inspirational quote starting with the letter y? Well if you are then this is your perfect place. Sometimes it is a challenge to find something to move you every day, especially something so specific as an inspirational quote starting with [...]

inspirational quote starting with the letter y2025-01-10T23:13:20-05:00
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