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Contact Jennifer Brand in OFallon MO
Contact us if you would like to experience the ease, comfort and serenity you need. When you receive a massage at our spa you will feel the outside world float away as your senses are soothed, replenished and revitalized. Discover how it feels to be the center of the universe, to live with harmony, and embrace peace.
With over 260 five-star reviews on Google, we are certain you will receive the massage of your dreams. We are a massage spa that offers Swedish Massage, Lymph Drainage, Prenatal Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Pain Management Massage, Craniosacral, Aromatherapy, Hot Stone Massage, Couples Massage, Massage Classes, Stretching Sessions, Thai Yoga, Muds and Wraps. Jennifer Brand is located in O’Fallon MO, and we help people throughout Saint Charles County discover the peace, ease and pain relief they need. If you are ready to be pampered, massaged and rejuvenated, contact us today to schedule your massage session so you can start feeling great!