Shawn White

Massage Therapist

Certified Higher Education Professional

Experience pure delight with a massage by Shawn White. Under his care you will rediscover the golden light of life, reconnect with the magnificence of every moment, and feel wonderful. Throughout every second of your massage, he will nurture you toward a state that is peaceful, serene, and delightful beyond belief. Using his abundantly creative mind, enthusiastic energy, and wisdom you will feel your aches and pains float away. You will be welcomed into a sea of tranquility and peace. You will feel whole and complete and free to dance and sing.

About Shawn White

As a massage therapist I strive to provide my clients with the highest quality experience. I want you to live your best life, explore the magic of the moment, and feel wonderful. To me massage is magnificent and one of the greatest explorations of our humanity. It is more than a luxury; massage is a gateway to remembering how it feels to be alive.

I became a massage therapist 8 years ago and it was the best decision of my life. I love my profession and I live to help others. Three years into my journey I created Jennifer Brand Spa. My goal was to help foster rewarding, peaceful and prosperous careers for the talented men and women who practice massage.

This is an image of Shawn White.

Massage is a calling, a beautiful gift, and the perfect treasure to share with the world. Massage is my calling and I have dedicated my life to the enrichment of others. In my journey I have learned that in every second is an infinite snapshot of beauty and awe and I live to share this with others. I want to help you make the most of your moments, to celebrate life and discover how wonderful the world can be.

Why are my massages so different?

Core Philosophy

Massage is an art and a science and through the harmonious union of the two, a masterful massage therapist may share their beautiful gifts with the world. At the core of every massage, I seek to inspire hope, alleviate pain, and encourage my clients to experience peace, ease and tranquility.

The science component of a massage is a practitioners drive to enhance their understanding of pain management, the utilization of evidence-based (and evidence-informed) data, and the application of the scientific method to discover the most likely truth. This requires a professional to question, research, hypothesize, experiment, analyze, and conclude. It is a process that is repeated time and again throughout their career, so they may remain in a constant state of self-improvement.

The art of massage is divided into three essential components, EmpathyHumility and Creativity. As a professional we must possess the ability to imagine the world through someone else’s eyes, feel what they feel, and use that information to create techniques that feel as fantastic as they are effective. We need to have an accurate assessment of where we exist within the universe. We must know we may be amazing at somethings, but we are not amazing at everything. In essence we must be willing to admit to ourselves (and others) that we are not God’s gift to the world and nor are we without value or significance. Humility is essential for a massage therapist, because once someone believes they are the best, they tend to believe their subjective interpretation of the human condition supersedes the information provided to them by their client. When we possess humility, it opens the doorway for us to explore, listen and value the essential information provided to us. Empathy and humility are two essential cornerstones of a magnificent massage, but without the ability to creatively navigate our existence their usefulness diminishes. Through creative exploration we can use the knowledge we acquire throughout a massage session to enhance our client’s experience to ensure each second is custom tailored to meet their specific needs. It allows us to move beyond or predesigned techniques and micro-formulas to craft new approaches and techniques every second is sensational.

  • I live my purpose. When I perform massage, I imagine how every technique feels before, and as I perform them. I want every second of your session to feel magnificent. I value your time and have mastered the art of transitions. I search for ways to ensure even the seconds between seconds feel fantastic. I do this because when you are on my table I want to celebrate your life, I want you to feel like the center of the universe and remind you that the sensations of being alive are awesome in literal sense of the word. Every second I am performing a massage I am living my purpose, because my purpose in life is to help others live their best life, to guide them toward the wellness they want, and to feel the wonder of the world.
  • I believe humility is essential. Though I may consider myself a healer, I am not a wizard or magician who magically mends your aches and pains. I am a facilitator, a guide and an instrument to help you feel fantastic. It is my belief that your wellness is a combination of your body’s natural healing process and the grace of God. I do not believe I have a supernatural ability to heal, nor am I God’s gift to mankind. I am simply someone who deeply cares about the wellness of others, and I have dedicated my life to help you feel wonderful using ethical, effective and safe methods of massage.
  • I value communication. Communication is important throughout every session, especially when I am performing Corrective Massage. This is because you are the expert of your body. I may have an array of amazing techniques and have all sorts of knowledge in regard to modern pain science, but you have lived in your body your entire life. I just met you ten minutes ago; I need your expertise and insight to serve as your tool to help you feel terrific.
  • Each massage is customized to meet your unique needs. Within my consultations I ask my clients where they are experiencing discomfort, what the pain feels like, and what actions tend to aggravate it the most. This provides me with valuable insight on how to proceed with the massage. Within the human experience is a cornucopia of pain sensations, and I have learned over the eight years I have been practicing that each pain requires a different approach. All of my massages, even my basic massage, is a customized experience. My massages are unique to meet your unique needs, so you may return to your life feeling majestic and marvelous.
  • I am empathetic and professional. Your pain is real, even if someone cannot pinpoint what is causing it. Sometimes we just hurt, it could be caused by a myriad of reasons. I will never claim to know all the answers, and if I do not know, I am always honest. In addition to this I remain within my lane. I am not a doctor; I don’t diagnose or prescribe. However, I will offer anecdotal and evidence-informed guidance.
  • I am a Christian; I do not practice energy work or Reiki. I do however pray before each massage session for guidance from God to help my client receive the peace and ease they need. Moments before entering the treatment room, I ask myself how I would massage God if He were on my massage table. When I start the session, I offer that same nurturing care and focused attention to my clientele.
  • I am a cancer survivor. My journey through cancer was the third best thing to ever happen to me. It showed me the full range of the human experience, it exposed me to levels of pain beyond my wildest imagination, how to live with hope, and celebrate every second of existence. Cancer made me a better man, a more powerful person and a magnificent massage therapist. These experiences taught me how to truly empathize, hold space, and give from the deepest depths of my heart.
  • I am an eternal optimist. To me this means I can see the bad in the world, but I search for the bright nimbus light of life. I believe happiness and sadness are the candy sprinkles on the delicious doughnut of life. Fortunately, this scrumptious pastry is the willful pursuit and submission to the ever-present state of living with joy. I exist in this state because I feel the infinite unconditional love of God. This powerful feeling showed me I am capable, intelligent and worthy of love, it freed me of my once constant state of feeling alone, lonely, and unloved. My eternal optimism allowed me to know that when I was diagnosed with Neuroendocrine Cancer that the removal of my lung was a gift, and it would make me a better healer and massage therapist. It reminded me throughout chemotherapy, that every hardship we face is a blessing, because it is an opportunity to learn how to help someone else who is hurting. When my doctors and the statistical prognosis of my disease indicated I would not have a long life to live, I used that energy to pursue my deepest dreams. I invested every ounce of my spirit and soul to build this spa, so I could create an oasis for massage therapists to explore their trade and live a life as a healer in a safe and caring place.
  • Every second is sacred. I believe that every second is a snapshot of infinite beauty and awe, and I am committed to helping others witness the wonder of the world. Whether we are chatting about this or that, or I am performing a massage, I want to inspire you to celebrate every second, to live with hope and live with joy. In massage this approach manifests in how I apply every technique and transition. With my exemplary attention to detail, I want every second to feel phenomenal, and I want the seconds between seconds to feel sensational. This means I maintain as much client contact throughout the session as possible, and I attempt to make every application of my touch a magnificent adventure.

General Massage Philosophies

  • Massage is more of an art than a science. While academic knowledge is valuable, a massage therapist must possess the ‘touch’ and have a fundamental understanding of artistic expression to provide a transformative massage experience. The touch is an intuitive ability to feel through a massage session, to explore through palpation and provide a sense of peace and ease that is selfless, ethical and safe. When the touch is combined with the ability to express oneself through creativity it forms one of the most important cornerstones of a magnificent massage. Every session should be a spectacular story with a purposeful plot, it should be a painting that awes and inspires, and encourages people to live their best life.
  • Knots are less common than you have been led to believe. In most instances when a massage therapist claims you have a knot, it is not a knot. Generally speaking, our body is asymmetrical, this means one side is not the same as the other. This could be caused by thicker and stronger muscles on one side than the other, a bony landmark may be more prominent on one bone than it is on its counterpart, it could even be a case palpatory pareidolia. According to Paul Ingraham (from, palpatory pareidolia is “a type of illusion or broken perception in which a vague or obscure stimulus — i.e. subtle textures under your skin — is perceived as if it was actually clear and distinct. It is both a source of illusion, as well as our impressive and useful ability to make meaning out of glimpses and shreds of sensation.” I do believe in knots, tight bands and areas of tension. However, it is my opinion that most massage therapists lack the palpatory skill to accurately detect these areas of discomfort. Due to this, it is common for massage therapists to overwork these areas resulting in greater pain and discomfort.
  • Our body is like a baby: I believe the human body is like a baby, because the only way it knows how to communicate with us is by screaming. Unfortunately, when the body screams it manifests as pain. If a baby is screaming in her crib, we could scream at her to get her to quiet down, but this pause only lasts a moment, because the loud noise was terrifying, and it stunned her into silence. Within moments she will return to her screaming, and this time it will be louder and far more intense than before. When we approach the management of pain through massage, we need to be gentle, loving and nurturing. Just like a baby crying in her crib we need to start by picking her up and offering her kindness and patience. We want her to know she is safe and in good hands. Once she begins to calm down, we can then investigate to see what she needs. Does she need her diaper changed, or a new bottle? Then once we have addressed her needs, we nurture her again and lay her back down in the crib so she may peacefully return to sleep. The human body is no different. If someone is hurting, we need first to create a safe space, they need to know they are in the good hands of someone who actually cares about them. In massage this means we start with techniques that feel good and offer a profound sense of comfort and pleasure. Once we have eased some of their anxiety we can then begin to explore, palpating their soft tissues for clues like Sherlock Holmes or Scooby Doo. Once we have addressed the issues, we then return back to a nurturing mode. Some of the work required throughout a massage session can be intense, so we need to return them back to a tranquil state. This means using techniques that feel amazing and help them feel delightfully divine.
  • The focus of massage should be your Central Nervous System. When I perform a massage, my goal is to bring peace to your central nervous system. The reason is because all pain starts from within your brain. Before moving forward, I want to say that I do not believe you can flip a switch to tell your pain to cease. As a man who has known absolute ten level pain for long periods of time, I know this is not possible. When my right lung was removed, I went without any painkiller for a total of two hours within the first fourteen hours of my surgery. It was a pain beyond screams, and if there was a switch to flip, I would have found it. I say this because a lot of people belittle the pain experiences of others because they mistake their ability to soldier through minor pain, or even high pain as a sign they are a master of their own mind. As a result, they convince themselves that if they can overcome the pain challenges they faced, so can others. Unfortunately, their advice can be frustrating to hear and can even be perceived as belittling commentary or a disbelief in the level of discomfort you feel. With that said, your pain is real, and there is hope. Through my cancer journey I have learned a lot about pain, and this knowledge is one of the reasons I have excelled as a massage therapist. When I see someone hurting, I want to help them. If I am out and about and someone is rubbing their neck in discomfort, I will offer to help them (free of charge), because I know how it feels to hurt, and I deeply care about people, even if I don’t know them. One of the first things I will ask them is how they tend to massage themselves when they are hurting. Most people stick their fingers into their flesh like ice picks. While this may feel good at first, it often crosses the threshold of hurts so good, into ouch that really hurts. As a consequence, they bruise themselves and upregulate their sympathetic nervous system. This is the fight or flight response of your autonomic nervous system. This is the opposite of what you want if you are trying to reduce your pain levels, because your muscles will contract to create an armor to protect the deeper structures of your body. My goal when performing a massage is to downregulate your sympathetic nervous system, so we can upregulate your parasympathetic nervous system. This is the rest and digest component of your autonomic nervous system. By focusing on more than just your muscles the benefits of my massages become longer lasting, are more rewarding and lead to a transformative experience that leads my clients to live higher quality lives. For an entertaining video exploring modern pain science follow this link to learn more: Video by Australia’s Lorimer Moseley, Professor of Clinical Neurosciences.
  • The value of firm pressure. Firm, or Deep Tissue massage has its place, but it must be used for the right reasons. When I use firm pressure there are typically two reasons, the first is because the client’s perception of pressure requires greater intensity to register positive sensations. Why does this happen? I don’t know, and I don’t think it really matters. We are all unique beings with our own needs and preferences, there doesn’t have to be a reason. I actually think it is unwise for a massage therapist to state a reason, because it is just another way for someone to view their body in a negative light. People are already inundated with enough negative descriptors of their body when massage therapists tell them their back is full of knots, they don’t need to more. In a world where negativity is everywhere I think it is best to just acknowledge the request, provide the pressure and move on. The second reason for firm pressure is to interrupt the client’s negative feedback loop of pain, so we may introduce a positive feedback loop.

Corrective Massage & Pampering

Corrective Massage

This hyper focused service is designed to dial in on one or two areas of concern per session. It is not a full body massage.

My Corrective Massage approach includes an array of philosophies, techniques and tools to help maximize your results while under my care. Some elements of your corrective massage session may include myofascial release, deep tissue, stretching, hot stones, colds stones, ice massage, percussive tools, vibrating tools, the use of resistance bands and equipment, specialty oils/balms/creams such as Bio Freeze, cooling lotion, warming lotion and various other wellness liniments, hot & cold packs, and an array of other tools, resources, and techniques.

What can you expect when experience this treatment?

  • Corrective Massage requires communication throughout the session. I will ask questions throughout the treatment to ensure my application of pressure and the techniques used feel rewarding and pleasurable. It is my goal to help retrain your brain’s perception of touch and movement with the intent of convincing your central nervous system that your areas of discomfort can exist without pain. If something feels uncomfortable, hypersensitive, ticklish, or refers a sensation to another area of the body I need to know. These are clues that may serve as a guide to help me discover the source of your discomfort, so I may help resolve them. If I am massaging an area that feels exceptional, let me know I will double the number of times I perform that technique. Communication is key to an amazing massage, the more information you provide me with the better your experience will be. As I like to say to my guests, you have lived in your body your entire life, we just met. I may have a vast array of techniques and experience as a massage therapist, but you are the master of your own body. I need your insight so I may best serve as your tool to feel terrific.
  • A Detailed Consultation. Before your session begins, I will start with a consultation. During this time, I will ask you which areas you want me to focus on, how they feel, and when they bother you most. Remember, this session only focuses on one or two areas of concern, I will not perform a full body massage. The reason is because I need this extra time to dial in on your sources of discomfort, explore any referred sensations, and utilize every tool and technique required to help reach your wellness goals.
  • Appropriate Attire. I advise my clientele to wear or bring clothing that is tight fitting, comfortable and will help maintain their modesty throughout the massage session. This is because in certain instances I will perform a Corrective Massage with my client clothed. Normally in a massage you will undress after your therapist leaves the treatment room so you may comfortably slide under the comfy sheets. In a Corrective Massage the table is viewed as an additional tool. If your area of concern is in a complex area, or if your pattern of pain is intensified when standing, reaching, sitting etc., I will have you remain clothed, this is to ensure your modesty as I perform the necessary techniques. For example, if your back hurts when you are at work at the computer, but not when you are laying down, the treatment value of the table is lessened. In these instances, I may have you sit on the table or a chair so I may address the areas of your back that hurts throughout the day. Due to the nature of these positions, they are exceptionally challenging to drape, and due to the complexity of the draping techniques, their use may greatly reduce the quality and hands-on time of your session. Your time and modesty are important to me. I want you to enjoy every second of your session while feeling safe and comfortable; by having appropriate attire I can maximize the benefits of your massage session.
  • Length of Session. Typically, my Corrective Massage sessions are sixty-minutes. Clients who are on a treatment plan may schedule longer sessions when appropriate, but all new clients are restricted to a 60-minute Corrective Massage. Before the session begins, I will start with a free consultation, the maximum length of this consultation is ten minutes. If additional time is required, it will be subtracted from the length of your session. This free consultation is only available to clients who arrive on time for their appointment. For this reason, I advise all of my clients to arrive five minutes prior to the start of their session. This will offer enough time to use the restroom and fill out paperwork. In the event I am responsible for your session not starting on time, you will receive your full session. Of the sixty-minutes, five to ten minutes will be used for a post massage reevaluation. At this point, I will exit the room, have you get dressed and ask you to open the door when you are ready. I will reenter the room and ask you to move around. The goal of this treatment segment is to isolate any remaining areas of discomfort. I use this time to hunt for anything that still needs to be addressed, so you may leave feeling your best. I will also use this time to offer self-care options you may perform at home and teach you self-massage techniques to extend the benefits of the treatment session.
  • Pressure Expectation. A Corrective Massage may range from very light to firm pressure. Most sessions would be described as medium with intermittent firm pressure. It is important to note that firm pressure does not mean greater results. It is my professional opinion that the greatest level of discomfort you should experience is what could be described as “it hurts so good”. Moving beyond this threshold may result in pain and discomfort in the days following the treatment. Since pain and pressure are subjective concepts, it is important to communicate how you feel throughout the massage.
  • Aftercare: At the completion of your session, I will offer you a bottle of water to help quench your thirst. I may offer suggestions of using a hot or cold pack, or to enjoy a magnesium or Epsom salt bath sometime later in the day depending on the degree of vigorous work performed throughout the treatment. In addition to this we offer an array of wellness products that may be of use to you between each session.
  • Addition massage self-care training and couples massage classes: I offer additional training beyond the post massage reevaluation. In these sessions I will teach you additional techniques for self-massage to help improve your quality of life between sessions. In addition, you may schedule a Couples Massage Class to learn how to massage your significant someone or a special person in your life. This can be a great tool for couples seeking to improve their communication skills, learn how to provide each other a rewarding massage experience at home, and open the doorway to receive hands-on therapy at home to help bridge one session to the next.

What modalities, philosophies and approaches are used throughout the session?

  • Myofascial Release: Myofascial Release is either performed with very little oil, or no oil at all. In some ways it may be classified as a type of dry effleurage. This means your therapist will perform slow techniques using light to medium pressure at an oblique angle to encourage the sensation of micro-stretching within the muscles. Myofascial release is a great way to enjoy deep tissue results without the potential discomfort often associated with deep tissue massage. It uses very little oil, because the technique needs to be able to gently grip the skin, so the therapist’s hand may create a stretching sensation. To prevent discomfort the techniques are slow and meticulous, their hand only moves forward when the oils of your skin allow them to. Truly, the sensation of myofascial release feels spectacular, and is a great addition to any session for those seeking an additional level of therapeutic benefit.
  • Deep Tissue & Firm Pressure: In some instances, Deep Tissue Massage and firm pressure are synonymous. Unfortunately, this leads to a degree of confusion and disappointment in the eyes of the public. This typically occurs when one Deep Tissue massage would be considered light to medium pressure while another is firm. The reason for this is Deep Tissue massage can both be firm pressure and a philosophy. The philosophy of Deep Tissue Massage is generally described as the process of addressing the muscles from superficial to deep with the intent of relaxing each layer of soft tissue. This approach leads to a greater sense of wellness, because it reduces the degree of discomfort a client may experience throughout a massage. It also grants the therapist the opportunity to downregulate the sympathetic nervous system and upregulate the parasympathetic nervous system, to prevent the body’s natural defense system when firmer pressure is applied. In essence the philosophy of Deep Tissue Massage governs the application of firm pressure, to lessen the pain and discomfort a client may feel after a massage. I do practice the philosophy of Deep Tissue Massage, and when a client requests Deep Tissue, I provide firm pressure. It is my goal to provide you with the level of pressure you desire in the safest, most effective means, with the minimum degree of discomfort.
  • Highly focused treatment: Corrective Massage is a highly focused treatment; this means we will at maximum address two areas of concern. It is not a full body massage. This allows me the time explore and address each area of discomfort.
  • Advanced massage techniques: In every Corrective Massage session, it is my goal to help alleviate your discomfort. I want you to leave my treatment room feeling wonderful, so you may celebrate every second with the significant people of your life. To achieve this, I use every tool at my disposal. As a result, some of my massages are performed with my client clothed. The reason is because I want to address your areas of discomfort when they hurt. If you experience discomfort in the muscles of your hand while performing a specific action, I want to massage your hand when you are doing that movement. At the core of my massage philosophy, it is my goal to help retrain your brain’s perception of touch and movement. I achieve this by interrupting your negative feedback loop of pain and discomfort while encouraging a positive feedback loop. This manifests in every application of my massage, from the words I use to the techniques I employ.
  • The session should feel good: While many massage therapists believe the best way to alleviate pain is through the application of firm pressure to reset or shock the muscles into another state, my intention is to offer positive stimuli to the nervous system. When firm pressure is abruptly applied to the body the mind senses danger, and as a result it tells the muscles to contract. This creates a fleshy armor that helps protect our vital internal organs. Once the muscles have contracted, any additional pressure may result in bruising and discomfort. It is my goal to create a rewarding therapeutic experience that encourages your central nervous system to feel safe. I want your mind, body and spirit to trust my touch so you may enter a state of rest and digestion (also known as upregulating the parasympathetic nervous system). This is why I believe each technique should be gently applied, and gently exited (ease in, easy out). I do my best to perform each massage technique as though I were a gentle wave.

About Shawn White

Shawn White is a prolific writer, artist, mentor, leader, and massage therapist. He has dedicated his life to helping others, and he lives to inspire, guide, and create opportunities for people to achieve their dreams.  As a massage therapist he mentors new graduates, tutors students, and writes articles to help his peers explore their purpose and passion.  As a cancer survivor he has learned how to use his challenges as his greatest source of strength. He believes every hardship is an opportunity to learn how to help others. His journey has shown him the value of humility, empathy, and the importance of navigating life creatively.

This is an image of Shawn White.

Testimonials about Shawn

Attention to detail. Excellent massage experience. -Eileen M

Amazing experience every single time. A transcendent 2 hours -Miranda K

Everything was wonderful -Nancy S

I had a great experience -Lynne H

Great service and conversation.  -Christine M

Sean was great! He was able to release muscle spasms I’ve had for quite some time and was causing a great deal of pain and stiffness. He also explained options and products to help. I will be back! Thank you Shawn! -Angie S

Shawn was wonderful and I was so comfortable, it was the most relaxed I have been in forever and got to go home and sleep well for 2hours! -Victoria S

previous customer. first time to see Sean, really liked him! -Jenny

The massage was great, the atmosphere was inviting and clean, and I felt very relaxed afterwards -Kathryn D

Shawn did an excellent job of relieving my pain, gave me advice on how to keep things under control and was wonderfully uplifting! -Cheryl C

Shawn was phenomenal! I highly recommend him!! –Sara M

Best massage therapy ever, amazing staff, clean and relaxing atmosphere, I’ve truly never gotten a better massage than from the staff here.  They even give you milk and an amazing cookie when you’re done if you choose the nap option.  I’ll never go anywhere else!! Sean is an inspiration! –Miranda K

Excellent.  All stars !!! Very professional, polite, kind and gentle. The massage and pressure points have been spot on.  I would not want anyone else but Shawn. –Veena A

It is never a disappointment with Shawn! –Chad B

Felt better in just a few minutes into the massage.. thanks Shawn –Cheryl

Gregory and Shawn were Very professional very caring and very mind opening to my husband and myself.  I was very pleased and will come back! –Kayla

I feel great thank you for the massage –Cheryl

Shawn used Calendula in my massage.  I love it that Calendula is available at your spa.  Wonderful for my body. –Tiffany

My massage from Shawn was exceptional as always.  Thanks so much for releasing my tension and discomfort. –Pamela V

Shawn is very polite & professional during massage..he gives a excellent massage. Would highly recomend his services.  Very knowledgeable of products in his store as well. –Lucas

Shawn was Excellent –Marmon

Shawn gave me an amazing massage! Listen to my problem areas in the initial consult and they feel a millions times better!!! –Katie H

Another perfect massage service with Shawn!  Looking for a professional and skilled massage therapist, look no further.  Shawn is thorough, attentive and prides himself in making sure his clients are comfortable and enjoy their massage. –Tamera, S

I will be back and request Shawn!  Best massage I have ever had. –Heidi H

Just had a tandem massage by Shawn and Gregory.  If you enjoy  a regular massage, you will be in heaven when you try a tandem! –Allie C

Shawn was amazing! –Asheli M

We will be regulars forever.  Shawn is incredible!! –Amy V

Absolutely amazing!  Shawn’s intuition never ceases to amaze me.  I can tell him where I have pain and he will go to work isolating and identifying the sources of my pain.  Some of which originates from muscles I had no idea were impacted. –David V

Simply splendid.  Best experience I’ve ever had with a massage therapist.  Shawn knows what he is doing and genuinely cares about your needs and not just dollar!!!  Will be coming back! –Nathan A

Shawn was awesome. Focused on this old broken body to help it keep running! –Ted Z

Very professional.  Shawn’s got the hands of an angel.  I will most definitely be asking for him again! –Megan E

Shawn was amazing today, he hit all the spots. very professional always educates on products thank you shawn.  See you in a month. –Cheryl

Shawn gave me the best massage I’ve had in years.  Shawn listens to me when I describe what is physically going on and addresses these areas.  Would highly recommend.  The “franchise” places aren’t even close to the level of massage I received. –Janine M

Shawn was amazing and did an excellent job!! Especially with my problems areas! Looking forward to seeing him again in a few weeks. –Sheila

Greg and Sean are both outstanding, and I can’t say enough good things about our experiences at JB Spa.  We have tried numerous places for massage, and we keep coming back to JB!  I would highly recommend Greg and Sean… both are excellent massage therapist! –Nicholas

I love the aroma scents Shawn selected the combination was delightful –Anna

Excellent massage! Shawn paid special attention to area’s of my pain. He released all of the tension in my neck and back. He is very professional! –Donna

Shaun made excellent recommendations for what I was looking for to relive inflammation and pain. Great and communicating and making sure the pressure of massage was enjoyable. My neck and shoulders feel amazing ! –James

Sean is extremely knowledgeable and you can tell he is very passionate about what he does as a massage therapist. I would highly recommend Sean at Jennifer Brand Spa! –Michael

Shawn is Excellent and professional. One of the best massage therapy sessions I have had. Recommend highly –Pamela

Shawn is an amazing massage therapist! He listened to my needs and was professional! –Joanna

Shawn and Natalie were amazing! The massages were perfect and relaxing! We’ll be back! –Stephanie

Shawn was great..was in alot of pain and he was gentle but managed to help im almost painfree in the area i was hurting..thank you shawn –Cheryl

Shawn did amazing, neck massage. –Jim


Shawn was great I came in with a lot of pain and left extremely refreshed. Very professional and had a brief consultation to customize my massage –Lisa

Shawn was amazing 1st class Ill sleep good tonight –Cheryl

Incredible service! We had a couples massage with Shawn and Gregory and it was wonderful. Highly professional, they went
above and beyond and catered to every need that we had. We left feeling 100x better than when we came in and we will be returning for sure. –Hanna

Wonderful techniques and always finding new add ons I love –Allie

The massage was awesome.  He used a good amount of pressure like I like it. -Terrianne G

Shawn is always so professional. his expertise is i appreciated.. very knowledgeable of products. Never a let down! Fantastic every time!!!! –Cheryl

We went for a couples massage today with Natalie and Shawn and it was wonderful. They were both very personable and we felt amazing afterwards. We will definitely be going back. Very excited to have found this place. –Meghan

Shawn did a great job on my massage he was wonderful! –Patrice

Shawn is one of the best LMTs I’ve ever seen. He doesn’t use a one size fits all approach and by tailoring his approach to the individual he made maximum impact on my pain levels. I will definitely be back –Jamie

Shawn was Very professional, pleasant . Really  knows how to treat specific areas of concern.  Never felt rushed. Able to deliver firm pressure as needed –Pat

great job. keep up the good work.shawn. -Charissa L

Best massage EVER!!! Hospitality was amazing from the time we walked in the door. Shawn was extremely attentive and made sure we were comfortable the entire time. He really went above and beyond for the best experience. We will definitely be back! –Adrienne

I had a two hour deep tissue massage that left me totally relaxed and calm and Shawn gets 5 stars on that one, I will be back next month . –Joan

All those 5 star ratings speak for themselves! I had the best message ever. And the add ons were at no extra cost. Shawn, I will be a return customer. –Cindy

I visited Jennifer Brand and was absolutely blown away at how beautiful and calming the atmosphere was. I first noticed the minimalist style of the spa and was promptly offered a beverage menu that had everything you could want. There were chocolates on a chilled marble platter (the dark chocolate were my favorite) and the woman at the front desk made me feel so welcome. Shawn performed my massage and made sure that I was comfortable the whole time. The massage table was heated, the blanket and sheet felt so soft and luxurious, and the experience was simply other-worldly. I left feeling so relaxed and pampered. I will definitely be spoiling myself a lot more knowing that this spa exists. Fantastic deal for  all inclusive massage. I got hot stones, warming lotion, deep tissue, all for a fantastic deal at JB Spa. I will tell anyone that listens about this place. 10/10 customer service and massage!!! –Jesi

Never before did I enjoy a massage. Shawn gave me a really great hour long massage and it was very enjoyable. My wife had a massage at a Jennifer Brand. She gets them pretty frequently and she said it was one of the best. Very clean and attractive facility. –Chuck R

Shawn white is a master of the pain free massage! He was spot on to where my pain was! Not only did he release my pain but he made me feel amazing all day after! The hot stones where so amazing. I honestly was on cloud nine the rest of the day! Can’t wait for my next appointment! You guys are the best! –Jessica

Had a wonderful massage and facial -Rebecca S

Professional and relaxing massage -Jennifer R

Definitely recomend -April K

Shawn was so knowledgeable & explained things well, made sure I was comfortable & took my headaches away that I had been suffering from for 6 weeks -Erica D

Very professional setting -Dave R

The staff is extremely professional and so very knowledgeable. The quality of the massage is incomparable. I would bother going anywhere else. -Renee N

Shawn took the time to understand my needs. The massage was just what I needed and I left feeling wonderful. -Katrina K

Massage by Shawn yesterday was the best yet.. -Cheryl 

My massage was GREAT! -Theresa B

Best massage and facial I’ve had in a long time! -Tanesha J

I had the best massage Ive ever had, thank you! -Pam C

Incredible -Debra T

Wonderful massage! -Heather M

Five Stars -Cheryl C

This place is amazing. My boyfriend and I did a couples massage. Shawn and Natalie were wonderful. They spent a while talking to us about what we were looking to get out of our massage and going over what all the add ones were. I did hot stone AND cold stone. Did I mention they do not charge for add one! –Stephanie

Did the couples massage for my birthday, Shawn and Natalie did a great job and the over all customer service was outstanding -Courtney

Absolutely incredible!!!! Couldn’t have been more pleased with this experience :) Sean was so knowledgeable kind, accommodating and professional. Best massage yet. –Mercedes

My husband & I enjoyed a lovely couples massage! We were surprised to find out that add-ons were included, like hot stones & aromatherapy. We were welcomed with cold water & friendly introductions from our therapists, Shawn & Natalie. Our massages were excellent! Both therapists made sure we were comfortable & enjoying the pressure throughout the session. A wonderful experience. Highly recommend!! –Tara

Absolutely amazing experience! We had a couple’s massage with Shaun and Natalie as our therapists. Both were professional, friendly and had amazing techniques. Very attentive to client’s wants and needs. Enhancements included are truly a special treat. Would highly recommend this Spa, as well as both Shaun and Natalie. –Tamera

We did a couples massage and they did a great job. Thanks Natalie and Shawn! Jennifer Brand has a lot of extras with out the extra cost. Also, they do not try to up sale you like some of the other chains. Highly recommend Jennifer Brand!!!! –Chris

Great experience! Natalie and Shawn did amazing with our couples massage. Can’t wait to go back. –Samantha

Amazing!!!!! 10/10 would recommend! Shawn was great. Haven’t been that relaxed in forever , will definitely go back. –Sophia

I went in to Jennifer Brand highly insecure and worried because this was my first massage and I didn’t know what to expect. Shawn greeted me at the door and I was amazed by the super clean beautiful facility. He grabbed me a glass of water and gave me a full tour of the facility. It was amazing between the couples rooms, prenatal massage, and esthetician’s room they literally have something for everyone. When it was time to start the massage therapist noticed I was nervous. She stopped and reassured me of the entire process and allowed me time to get ready. Once she started she felt like a best friend I’ve known for years. It was by far the best thing I’ve done for myself in years. I started with a decade long shoulder and neck issue that I had learned to live with, it was something I just never planned on messing with since a horrible experience having cortisone injections made it so much worse. As soon as I stood up my range of motion and rotation of my shoulders were IMMEDIATELY noticeable. I was blown away. I had no expectation that would ever even be possible again. I immediately rebooked and will be going back within the same month. I recommend Jennifer Brand and their entire staff. Their prices are unbeatable. The add ons are free. You will not get anything similar for the price. Shawn, thank you for making my Mother’s Day memorable, relaxing, and one I will remember forever! –Sarah

Shawn White is the best! He always takes care of my needs and helps to alleviate any pain I’m having. I highly recommend him! –Lauren R

I started coming here 3 months ago and had my third massage today. The staff is absolutely phenomenal and I always thoroughly enjoy my experience here. They are very accommodating, don’t charge extra for things like oils or stones, and even have things like extra hair ties, individually wrapped toothbrushes, and dry shampoo in the bathroom! Shawn is my therapist. He always listens to what hurts and none of my massages have been the exact same. He tailors each one to fit whatever my body needs that day. I have a toddler and while some days it’s my back, other days it’s my legs that need the attention. I truly cannot day enough great things about Shawn and Jennifer Brand Spa! Thank you thank you thank you! –Jessica B

Wow what an excellent place to be treated right and get the best massage! Shaun was very accommodating in scheduling and Jessica was awesome with the massage itself. I did a 1 hour back massage and they give you the full 60 minutes in the massage. They don’t stop at 50 minutes like many other places do. The price was fair considering they can do many oils and stones at no extra costs. Do give them a try and see for yourself and I will return! –Scott K

This was my first experience here, and I was quite impressed. My therapist (Shawn) seemed very knowledgeable about his profession and even offered insight (with my permission, of course) about other ‘specialists’ or ‘professionals’ that do similar work, without being judgy at all. He helped me decide that the corrective massage would be best for my needs. There was no awkward silence during the session either. This was the first massage I’ve ever had from a person of the opposite sex and any worries I could have had about that were lost the moment I walked in the door. Plus, the head rest for the table = sooooo comfy! And…AND…the table even warms! I’m already set up for my next session! Thank you Shawn!!! –Bethany R

Shawn did excellent work in my neck which I’ve been dealing with some stiffness for quite a while. Very nice work. I will be returning on a regular basis. –Jimmy M

Shawn is extremely knowledgeable. As the massage progressed he explained the what’s and the why. He listened to my concerns and worked to resolve them. I left feeling much better. –Patty R

Shawn was very knowledgeable and made sure I was comfortable with everything he was doing. Totally recommend –Regina G

My boyfriend and I opted for the couples massage and had a lovely experience. We were blessed with the presence and artistry of Shawn and Connor, who are professionals of the trade. They made sure to make us comfortable and accommodated in every way, and put on an absolute show-stopping performance. We cannot wait to come back!! Thank you so much!! :-) –Haven R

Had a massage by Shawn…it was amazing…he took time to listen to what I wanted…he is very good…I’ll go back again. –Angie R