Massage Tips

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  • Deep Tissue Massage Philosophy

Deep Tissue Massage Philosophy

November 21st, 2024|

Deep Tissue Massage Philosophy Massage Tip Today we are going to dive into Deep Tissue Massage Philosophy. Deep Tissue massage can be a majestic experience, especially for those who are seeking corrective [...]

  • This is an image that reads Sensations


November 15th, 2024|

The Sensations of Massage Massage Tips about Sensations When receiving a massage, uncomfortable sensations are often divided into two main categories, “hurts so good”, and “ouch that hurts”. If the sensation is [...]

  • Pain Management

Pain Management

November 13th, 2024|

Pain Management Massage Tips about Pain Management Massage can be a great pain management tool. It can be beneficial whether it is from inexperienced hands or even a licensed massage therapist. One [...]

  • This image reads Organized Massage

Organized Massage

November 9th, 2024|

Organized Massage Develop an Organized Massage At the core of every magnificent massage is an organized approach. We need to have a plan built from our client's goals. Every technique utilized must [...]

  • This image reads Baby the CNS

Baby the Central Nervous System

November 8th, 2024|

Baby the CNS Baby the CNS I believe the human body is like a baby, because the only way it knows how to communicate with us is by screaming. Unfortunately, when the [...]

  • This image reads Cupping.


November 7th, 2024|

Cupping Cupping Massage Tip What is cupping used for? If you have stubborn aches and pains that are challenging to alleviate with traditional massage, cupping may be your answer. What does cupping [...]

  • This image reads Creative Massage.

Creative Massage

November 7th, 2024|

Creative Massage A Creative Massage Feels Better Massage is more than an academic practice, it is an art form that combines discipline, theory, and creative expression into one beautiful package. It is the [...]

  • This image reads Scalp Massage.

Scalp Massage

November 6th, 2024|

Scalp Massage Massage Tip for Scalp Massage Have you ever wanted to just lay back and enjoy the bliss of someone massaging your scalp? The sensation of feeling someone’s hands slide [...]

  • Hot Stone Class

Hot Stone Massage Class

October 28th, 2024|

Hot Stone Massage Class Hot Stone Massage Class Have you ever wanted to take a Hot Stone Massage Class? I hope so, because a hot stone massage is an exquisite pleasure. Feeling [...]

  • This image reads Sharp Superficial Pain

Sharp Superficial Pain

October 28th, 2024|

Sharp Superficial Pain What is Sharp Superficial Pain Today we are going to talk about how to treat sharp superficial pain. In the adventure of being human we are offered the opportunity to [...]


October 26th, 2024|

Communicate Throughout the Massage Massage Tip: Communicate Massage is a great way to bond with our special someone because it opens the doorway for us to cherish each other, learn new ways [...]

Patience in Massage

October 25th, 2024|

Patience, a Massage Tip by Shawn White Patience in a Massage When performing a massage it is important to have patience, to take your time and be gentle. In the application of [...]

  • Hot Stone Class

Pain – Advice on How to Massage it Away

October 25th, 2024|

Pain Aim to Ease their Pain When massaging someone experiencing pain, we should aim to provide them with a pleasurable day. Unfortunately, we have been trained to believe we should alleviate [...]

  • muscle knots

Muscle Knots

October 24th, 2024|

Muscle Knots Most Muscle Knots are not Knots As a massage therapist I often hear people talk about muscle knots. It is a common term used to describe an [...]

  • A purple image that reads Goldilocks pressure.

Goldilocks Pressure

July 30th, 2024|

Goldilocks Pressure Discover their Goldilocks Pressure What is the Goldilocks pressure of massage? When you are massaging someone, whether it is a friend, client or special someone, we want them to enjoy [...]

  • This image reads Warming Lotion

Warming Lotion

May 3rd, 2023|

Warming Lotion If you are searching for ways to add a little variety to your massage routine, a warming lotion will surely add some spice. Warming lotion is great for areas that feel [...]

Quality of Touch

February 10th, 2020|

Quality of Touch Develop Your Quality of Touch When performing a massage, the goal is to have the highest quality of touch possible. We want every technique to feel like an adventure [...]

Benefits of Massage

August 26th, 2019|

Benefits of Massage What are the Benefits of Massage? What are the benefits of massage? First and foremost, massage can feel amazing! One of the greatest things about massage is it gives [...]